Where I Attempt to Go Through my TBR....
*points to list of books I've written* As you can see...I've hit a writing slump. I'm not blaming that on anyone or anything. It...
Swag Vendors I Love (as of May 2018)
Swag: the one thing authors dream about and can't wait to have in their arsenal of goodies...but it's the Achilles heel that no one ever...
My Tips for Researching a Small Publisher
I work at a community college and we get calls from folks in the community from time to time wondering if we have resources on different...
SWEET REALITY Excerpt and Giveaway!
So....about a year ago, Laura posted in our debut novel group, The 17 Scribes, about book 2 in her series. She wanted to make sure it...
11 Sleeps, but Who's Counting?
Me. I’m counting. ELEVEN SLEEPS until my book is out in the world. Currently it’s like riding a roller coaster. That excitement as you...
Guest Post: What's it Like to be on Author Submission?
I love summer. While I don't love the heat or the mosquitoes, I do love the longer days and still being light out until 9:30 p.m.. Know...
Friday Funny—Easter Eggs in my Book
If you’re a fan of animated Disney films from over the last 30 years, you’ll be very familiar with this phrase: Easter Eggs. No. I’m...
Teaser Tuesday--It's Okay if you Don't Like my Book
First off, in true Teaser Tuesday fashion...here is this week's teaser. I love teasers like this where the author takes a few sentences...
My Aunt is Going to Run Out of Room in her Prayer Journal with this Cover Reveal…
True story: I have an aunt who keeps a prayer journal. And I’m in it. Not because I’m her niece. Okay. Well, I’m sure there are a few...